Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sprite and Toes

Carson, my squirrely middle child, who still runs every where he goes (he's almost 6), is the kid that says anything that comes to his mind. To him, everything makes sense.
Today, I gave the boys some Sprite with their dinner. This never happens (not dinner, the Sprite), as we RARELY give our kids sugar (in that form at least). Whenever the boys get anything carbonated, they respond as if they have just found out that there will be a movie that combines Transformers, Ninja Turtles, Bakugan, and ice cream. (And it will be rated G, so they can actually see it.)
Anyway, Carson polishes off his Sprite, and says, "Wow! When I was finishing my Sprite, my little toe started hurting. But then, I stopped drinking, and it went away!"
Ang and I just started at him blankly for a second, my mind racing, trying feverishly to somehow connect those oh-so-distant dots. But, oh, not so. There were no connections (for my primitive mind, anway) to be made. So I just said, "Alright!"
Here's the point. I love the way Carson connects things, even when there seems to be no rational connection, and we could all learn something from him. So many times, we pray and ask God for something, He answers, and we never connect the answer back to the prayer. If we did make the connections, wouldn't we pray more often, and more fervently? If we just took the time to stop and realize all that God answers, even down to things as simple as protection and wisdom, our relationship with God would be different. We'd depend on Him more, we'd look to Him more, and we show that by our actions.
So, the next time Carson says something so completely off the wall, I'm going to remember what he taught me today. But I'll still probably just say, "Alright!"

1 comment:

  1. I feel this is an excellent time to teach Carson about litigation. Sue the pants of those evil Sprite execs for the pain and distress caused on his metatarsal.
